Monday, February 02, 2009

25 random things about Me.

1. I love being a mom.
2. I hate exercising.
3. I don't look my age.
4. My best friend is my sister.
5. I don't feel my age.
6. I am a chocoholic.
7. My favorite season is spring.
8. I love acting childlike.
9. I haven't read a novel in a long while.
10. My desk is a total mess.
11. I hate cleaning.
12. I've only been drunk once in my life.
13. I enjoy knitting, playing the piano, taking photographs, making pottery and beaded
14. I have 2 cats.
15. I had 2 cats who lived to the ripe old ages of 24 and 22.
16. I hate that my house in Lansing has more luxuries then my house in the metro Detroit
area does and that I don't live in Lansing any longer.
17. I am a master gardener abv (all but volunteer work.)
18. I have a secret desire to be a published author.
19. I've written a children's story.
20. I've written an article that I would like to have published.
21. I have found a journal that will publish it if I just added a literature review.
22. I am afraid to add the literature review even though a colleague of mine promised he
would help me.
23. I've traveled to Israel, Bahama's, Cancun, Costa Rica, Thailand, Canada and many of
the United States.
24. I used to windsurf...I miss doing it.
25. I love saying "Watch for leezards, lady!"

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