Friday, August 24, 2007

Yep, I'm still here.

Well hello,
I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. I've been busy with other things. Like unpacking, organizing, working, working, and working. Oh, and did I mention I've been working?

To update you, no my other house has not sold yet. Its not even on the market at the moment. My Realtor dropped the ball by telling me she would still keep my house listed on the MLS until we had a chance to sign a new contract...which is how we've done things in the past. Needless to say, I have been interviewing new Realtors and hope to sign with someone within the next 2 weeks. At this point I am feeling okay about the fact that the house has not sold. But I know I will be feeling somewhat anxious very soon if I don't get it on the market again, or at least find someone to rent it. Which is actually what I am thinking very seriously about doing. We shall see.

Let's see, what else? Oh, my mother's birthday was this past Saturday. She would have been 67 this year. I miss her a lot. I still can't believe she's gone. We are having the unveiling ceremony for her headstone next week. I am not looking forward to that...more grief will surface and grieving is quite painful.

Work is good. Or at least, getting better. My clientèle is growing. I'm slowly building up my practice which is a relief. That means I'm working a lot more. I'm also involved with 2 organizations which require a bit of time. And, I'll be teaching 2 classes this fall. So, I'm preparing for that as well.

Anyway, that's all for now. I still don't have the umph to write a lot, but I suppose I'll be back soon.

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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Frustration abounds!

Here's my list of frustrations:

1. I can't seem to sell my other house. Don't ask me why. I still think its a great house. But, it hasn't sold and its been on the market for over a year. It's not overpriced, well, I suppose it is because no one is buying it. But I can't really give it away now can I?

2. I still have a bunch of boxes to unpack in my new house and I need to throw things away but deciding on what to toss is overwhelming to me for some reason.

3. I have no motivation to prepare for a class I am supposed to teach beginning in September. Uh Oh! I need to start preparing like now!

4. I have a ton of papers to file since I've moved and I have no motivation to file them, let alone organize my home office. sister and brother-in-law bought me a magnet on one of their trips. It says...

"Bitch Sue Bitch
See Sue Bitch"

Sometimes I need to Bitch!!!

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Friday, August 03, 2007

So really, what's on my mind?!?

Here's what I want to know:

Do you

1. make your bed everyday?
2. put the toothpaste tube away after you brush your teeth?
3. brush your teeth before you eat breakfast, or after?
4. set the toilet paper roll on the holder with the paper going over the roll, or under?
5. read all your e-mail?

Not very much exciting stuff going on in my life these days. Same stuff, different day.
What's new with you?